Visit a Training Program
Visit us free of charge and experience the benefits of Feldenkrais!
We are very pleased to receive guests in our training programs. A training course is an open space for everyone: for those interested in discovering the method, as well as for those wishing to expand their existing knowledge of the Feldenkrais Method.
1. One-Day Visitors
You are welcome to visit the in-person segments of our training programs for one day, free of charge. To do so, please select your preferred date from the registration form above and complete the form to confirm your visit.
Important: If a date is not listed, it typically means that visits are not permitted on that day or the visitor quota has already been reached.
2. Visiting for Two or More Days
During the first training year, you may attend individual training days or full segments without committing to the entire program. The regular daily fee applies.
Note: We recommend starting on the first day of a segment, though joining later is possible. If you attend and pay for a full segment, we are happy to provide full access to its audio recordings.
3. Feldenkrais Practitioners & Trainees
Accredited Feldenkrais trainees and certified practitioners can attend for 45€ per day (Stockholm: 725,00 kr). Note: Starting on the first day of a module is recommended but not required.
4. Graduates & Students of Our Trainings Programs
If you are currently enrolled in or have completed one of our training programs, the cost is 30€ per day (Stockholm: 450,00 kr). Your first day is free.
Note: If you attend and pay for a full segment, we are happy to provide full access to its audio recordings.
5. Online Segments
Online segments are only available as full-segment enrollments, not for single-day visits. The fee is 60€ per day (or 45€ per day for graduates of our trainings). A full video recording of the online segment is included. If you’re interested, please contact us here.