File Download
With the following link(s) you can download the mp3s you have ordered. Once you have started the download you have a maximum of 24 hours to finish it and you are bound to finish it from the same device you started the download with.
After a download is complete unzip the file and then add the mp3s to your audio/ mp3 player or simply play them on your computer.
If you download from a mobile device, please make sure that you can open zip files and import the mp3s into your music library or media player. On iPhone and iPad this is not possible without an app. We recommend to download the files on a desktop computer and then import the files from there to your mobile device.
- Download file File size:
Intellectual property rights for mp3 materials of the Feldenkrais Institute Spain, S.L.U.
The Feldenkrais Institute Spain, S.L.U. is the exclusive owner of all exploitation rights over these materials in mp3 format. Any other use than for personal purposes, total or partial reproduction, processing or other use is prohibited without the prior written approval of the Feldenkrais Institute Spain, S.L.U. It is prohibited to share the materials with others or make transcripts of the recordings in order to make them public or any other purpose other than for private use.